Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What is the European Parliament?

The European Parliament is a directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union. Together with the European Commission and Council of the European Union, it exercises the legislative function of the EU. The Parliament is composed of 751 members, who represent the largest trans-national democratic electorate in the world and the second largest democratic electorate in the world.

What does EP do?
  • Deciding on international agreements;
  • Deciding on enlargements;
  • Granting discharge, i.e. approving the way EU budgets have been spent
  • Examining citizens' petitions and setting up inquiries;
  • Discussing monetary policy with the European Central Bank;
  • Election observations;
  • Establishing the EU budget, together with the Council;
  • Approving the EU's long-term budget - "Multiannual Financial Framework";
  • Elect the President of the Commission and approving the Commission as an authority. The opportunity to vote in favour of a motion of censure by imposing an obligation on the Commission to resign;
  • Reviewing the Commission's work program and invite it to propose legislation;
  • Adoption of EU legislation with the EU Council on the basis of proposals from the European Commission;
  • Questioning Commission and Council;
  • Democratic scrutiny of all EU institutions;
If you need help from the Parliament to act on a certain issue, you can petition it either by post or online, petitions can cover any subject which comes under the EU's remit and to submit a petition, you must be resident in the EU or be a citizen of an EU member state. Companies or other organisations must be based here.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

European Economic Community

The European Economic Community was a regional organization aimed at achieving economic integration between its Member States. It was created by the Rome Treaty of 1957. After the establishment of the European Union  in 1993, the EEC was incorporated and renamed the European Community. In 2009, the EC institutions were included in the wider EU framework and the company no longer existed.

Members of the European Economic Community
The six countries that set up the European Economic Community and the other two Communities were known as the "inner six" - "outer seven" were the countries that created the European Free Trade Association. Six countries were France, West Germany, Italy and three Benelux countries: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The first expansion was in 1973, when Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom joined. Greece, Spain and Portugal joined the 1980s. The former East Germany became an integral part of the EEC after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Since the creation of the EU in 1993, it has expanded to include sixteen other countries by 2013.

The purpose of the European Economic Community
The main objective of the preamble to the EEC was "to preserve peace and freedom and build the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe".

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What is Council of the European Union?

It is one of the seven Institutions of the European Union and listed as a third. It is part of the essentially bicameral EU legislature and represents the executive governments of the EU's member states. The Council of the European Union, together with the European Council, is the only EU institution that is not "European".

The presidency of the Council of the European Union is Austria.

What does the Council of the European Union do?
Adopts the EU budget
- It adopts the EU budget together with the Parliament.
Concludes international agreements
- The Council provides the mandate to the Commission to negotiate on behalf of the EU agreements between the international organisations and non-EU and EU countries.
Negotiates and adopts EU laws
- It adopts and negotiates legislative acts.
Develops the EU's common foreign and security policy
- The Council implements and defines security policy and EU foreign on the basis of guidelines set by the European Council.
Coordinates member states' policies
- economic and fiscal policies;
- education, culture, youth and sport;
- employment policy.

The Council first appeared in the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) as the "Special Council of Ministers", set up to counterbalance the High Authority (the supranational executive, now the Commission). The original Council had limited powers: issues relating only to coal and steel were in the Authority's domain, and the Council's consent was only required on decisions outside coal and steel. As a whole, the Council only scrutinised the High Authority (the executive). In 1957, the Treaties of Rome established two new communities, and with the two new Councils: the Council of the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) and the Council of the European Economic Community (EEC). However, due to objections over the supranational power of the Authority, their Councils had more powers; the new executive bodies were known as "Commissions".

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What is Regional organization?

Regional organizations to a certain extent are international organizations because they include international membership and include geopolitical units that operatively exceed one rational nation. However, their participation is characterized by the limits and boundaries that are specific to a specific and unique geography, for example, continents, or geopolitics, such as economic blocks. They are designed to promote cooperation and political and economic integration or dialogue between countries or organizations within a limited geographic or geopolitical boundary. They both reflect the common forms of development and history that have been promoted since the end of the Second World War, as well as the fragmentation that characterizes globalization. Most RVs work together with well-established multilateral organizations such as the United Nations. Although in many cases a regional organization is simply called an international organization, in many other cases it is useful to use the term "regional organization" to emphasize the limited scope of a specific membership.

List of Regional organizations:
  • Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • Commonwealth of Nations
  • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  • Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
  • Organization of American States
  • NATO
  • African Union
  • European Union
  • European Economic Area
  • North American Free Trade Agreement
  • Economic Cooperation Organization
  • Arab League
  • Union of South American Nations
  • OPEC
  • CIS
  • Mercosur/Mercosul
  • Collective Security Treaty Organisation
  • Eurasian Economic Union
  • Central American Integration System
  • Association of Caribbean States

Friday, September 28, 2018

Member state of the European Union

The European Union consists of 28 member states that include:
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom

All of the member states have de jure equal rights, de jure describes practices that are legally recognised, whether or not the practices exist in reality.

Membership of the European Union is open to any European country that is a stable, free-market liberal democracy that respects human rights and the rule of law. It has to be willing to accept all the obligations of membership, such as adopting all previously agreed law and switching to the euro.

EU's predecessor, the European Economic Community was founded in 1957 and it had only six core states - Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany.

Copenhagen criteria

Rules that define whether a country is eligible to join the European Union.
The criteria require that a state has human rights and the institutions to preserve democratic governance, accepts the obligations and intent of the EU, has a functioning market economy. To join the EU, the state must fulfil the Copenhagen criteria. For example, the youngest EU state is Croatia and it had to fulfil the economic and political requirements known as the Copenhagen criteria.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

What is the European Court of Justice?

It is the institution of the European Union that encompasses the whole judiciary, and it consists of two major courts:
European Court of Justice - hears applications from national courts for preliminary rulings, annulment and appeals. It consists of 11 advocates general and one judge from each EU member country.
General Court - hears applications for an annulment from companies, national governments and, less commonly, individuals. It is made up of 47 judges, which will be increased to 56 in 2019.

The purpose of the European Court of Justice
European Court of Justice reviews the legality of actions taken by the EU's institutions, enforces compliance by member states with their obligations under the Treaties, and interprets European Union law.

The idea of ​​European Union law is that each Member State incorporates the principles laid down by Union law in its legislation. The Court is responsible for ensuring that the interpretation is complied with in the law and in the application of the provisions of the Treaty on European Union and the competent Community institutions. In order for the court to carry out this task, the Court has a wide jurisdiction to hear different the Court of Justice is, inter alia, competent to rule on applications for annulment or failure to act, for failure to act, for references for a preliminary ruling, and appeals against the General Court lodged with a Member State or institutions.

Monday, August 20, 2018

What is the European Commission?

European Commission is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament (the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union) and the Council of the EU (part of the essentially bicameral EU legislature and represents the executive governments of the EU's member states). It is also responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU.

In the beginning, The Commission was made from the start to act as an independent supranational authority separate from governments.

It is the sole EU institution tabling laws for adoption by the Parliament and the Council that protect the interests of the EU and its citizens on issues that can't be dealt with effectively at the national level, get technical details right by consulting experts and the public.

What does the Commission do?
  • Proposes new laws
  • Manages EU policies & allocates EU funding
  • Enforces EU law
  • Represents the EU internationally

How does The commission work?
The Commission operates as a cabinet government. It has 28 members of the Commission. Each member state has one member, but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state. Commission President is a member of one of 28 commissions proposed by the European Council and elected by the European Parliament. The other 27 members of the Commission in agreement with the nominated President and the 28 members as a single body are then subject to a vote of approval by the European Parliament gets nominated by the Council of the European Union.

Now, the current Commission is the Juncker Commission.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Blue card for Highly-Qualified Workers

How to get BlueCard?
It depends if you have already found a job or not. You have to find a company that is willing to bring foreign employees within their work environment to obtain the EU Blue Card as a highly-qualified worker. If you are seeking a job within the EU member states, you should apply for a job seeker(grants you a period of 6 months).

The documents you need when applying:
  • For unregulated professions – a recognized university diploma
  • In case of the regulated profession – present the acquired certificate
  • A work contract of at least one year in the hosting state
  • Proof that your salary exceeds the average in the hosting state by 1.5 times or 1.2 times for professions in shortage
  • A written declaration by your employer
  • A valid travel document
  • Proof of no threat to the public policy, security or health of the hosting state
  • An application form, filled either by you or your employer
  • Two passport-size personal photos, not older than 6 months
  • Proof of application fee payment
  • Health insurance proof

Citizens of the hosting state after two years of work and residency is entitled to the same rights as The EU Blue Cardholder excluding:
  • Loans,
  • Grants, and
  • Housing rights
Highly-qualified workers may be restricted to the following occupations:
  • Safeguard
  • Public authority
  • The general interest of the state
How do you change the job?
You have to make a request to the competent authorities and proceed in accordance with their decision If you want to change the job during the first two years of arrival.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Work permit in EU

What is a work permit?

A work permit is a permission to take a job within a foreign country. It may also be a permit given to minors allowing them to work legally under child labour laws. Within an industry, a work permit may be required to execute certain functions within a factory outside normal operational tasks - in some places they might be called Permit to Work.

The Proposed Directive would allow some flexibility by the EU Members when transposing the directive into national law to determine whether the employer or the third-country national must file the application. Third-country nationals could be admitted to a Member State if they presented:
  • a valid work contract or a binding job offer to work as a seasonal worker addressing working conditions, including the rate of pay and weekly or monthly working hours;
  • a travel document issued pursuant to national law and valid at least for the same duration as the residence permit;
  • proof of, or of having applied for, medical insurance; and
  • proof of having adequate accommodations (if the seasonal worker must pay rent, it must not be disproportionate to his earnings).
In addition to the above criteria, the proposal would require EU Members to determine that seasonal workers had enough resources to ensure that they did not become dependent on the social assistance system of the Member State concerned. Moreover, EU Members would have the right to deny admission to anyone deemed a threat to their public security or public health.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Which country in Europe is immigration-friendly to immigrants from outside of Europe?

Almost all countries in Europe accept immigrants. when choosing one, you need to make sure you are heading towards the right country. But, as you can guess, some of the countries are not that immigration friendly.
Questions you need to ask yourself:
  • Why do you need to immigrate? 
  • Is there lack of resources in your country?
  • If you have decided to move to a different country, what do you want out of it - apart from just money as you can earn anywhere?

Before immigrating, make a research about the country where you want to immigrate. You should study the culture, climate, cost of living and food. Before immigrating decide if you can put up with extreme cost and different climate in a foreign land, If you can, then go ahead.

There are some countries where you need a work permit to work there, that's why research is needed. It should be the first thing you would like to find out before immigrating.

You can check our previous article about places to immigrate: http://residency-eu.blogspot.com/2018/05/popular-immigration-destinations-among.html

Monday, June 18, 2018

Documents for RP based on investment in Latvian Credit Institution

If you have enough finance in your bank account you can make it work on you. The documents for a residence permit in Latvia can be submitted if you wish to obtain a residence permit in the Republic of Latvia as a person who has subordinate liabilities toward a credit institution.

You shall present a valid travel document admitted in the Republic of Latvia and submit the following documents:
  • a definite sample form for a residence permit request and photography for it; 
  • a document confirming the necessary subsistence. In 2018 it is 430 EUR per month;
  • a document confirming the envisaged place of residence in the Republic of Latvia, for example, rental agreement;
  • policy statement;
  • health insurance policy;
a document issued by the credit institution of the Republic of Latvia, which confirms that the foreigner has subordinate liabilities toward the credit institution of the Republic of Latvia at least in the amount 280 000 euro and the transaction term is at least five years. The financial investment can be made in a foreign currency.

and should do state duty payment. Review of documents submitted for requesting of a temporary residence permit within 30 days cost 150 EUR, 10 working days - 300 EUR, within 5 working days - 450 EUR.

Upon the receipt of the first temporary residence permit, the applicant must pay 25 000 euro into the state budget (the bank details are to be given in the decision on granting the temporary residence permit). From 01.01.2018 foreigners will have to pay a tax of € 5,000 to the state budget once they apply for a residence permit (after first 5 years of residency).

Residence permit based on mentioned reason also give rights to work without limitations.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Be informed of Immigration Law

Even for citizens is difficult to follow all arrangements of Laws to be competent and to do everything right without additional information. Government works on changes every week but Laws asks you to prolong residency or register your stay in Latvia every year according to updated Regulations.

Let’s take a look on some regular changes and changes from 2017.
Amount of minimum subsistence is changing every year on January 1st. It could be difficult to get expected decision about residence permit from the first try if you submitted documents for residence permit at the end of the year, but decision came after January 1st. OCMA takes into account new rules. We suggest to make bank statement about finance with more than minimal amount. In 2018 minimum allowance is 430 EUR per month.
OCMA sometimes makes changes in amount of state duty payments. Actual state duty payments are mentioned here

Changes from 2017 maybe you didn’t know about..
The Law introduces procedures for obtaining a visa for seasonal workers and for obtaining residence permits for employees displaced by company.
Deadline of process for persons requesting a European Union Blue Card processing  became shorten up to 10 working days. The European Union Blue Card is also granted in cases where persons have not completed the relevant higher education but have at least five years of experience in the field. The law also provides for the possibility of abolishing foreigners and their family members who have acquired alternative status for a permanent residence permit.
The Law imposed additional requirements. The company abroad must be registered for at least five years, must employ at least 50 employees, and its annual turnover should exceed 10 million euros.

You don’t need to be lawyer to know everything, so why you can use services of company.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Popular immigration destinations among European countries and worldwide

Here is the list of popular immigration destinations among European countries and worldwide:

Immigration to Austria
In order to visit Austria legally, a visa-requiring immigrant needs to be in possession of a valid Schengen visa issued by either Austria or another Schengen state. Austria's legal regulations on the immigration of non-EU citizens to Austria set out the requirements for an individual to have such a visa issued by the state of Austria, as well as defining 'visa-free' countries, citizens of which do not require a visa for short-term visits.

Immigration to Czech Republic
In order for immigration to be lawful, an immigrant needs to adhere to all the requirements set out in Czech law. The main law, which regulates the immigration of non-citizens of the EU in the Czech Republic, is the Law on Residence of Aliens in the Czech Republic. There are several possible options, depending on the purpose of your visit. You may need a work permit, visa or Schengen visa in order to visit the country. If you plan to reside there for a long period of time – you need to acquire a residence permit or a long-term visa.

Immigration to France
In order to visit France legally, immigrants need to follow all the requirements provided by French law. The main law, which regulates the immigration of non-EU citizens in France, is the Code of Entry and Stay of Foreigners and Asylum in France. There are several options, depending on the purpose of your visit.

Immigration to Germany
In order for immigration to Germany to be lawful, an immigrant needs to follow all the requirements laid out in the immigration law of the Federal Republic of Germany. There are several possibilities, depending on the purpose of your visit. If you are not a citizen of a visa-free country, you will need a visa or Schengen visa in order to visit Germany. If you plan to immigrate to Europe and reside in Germany for a long period of time, exceeding 90 days – you will need a residence permit, which can be acquired on several grounds, as detailed in German immigration law.

Immigration to Latvia
There are several major pull factors for lawful immigration to Latvia. First, prices in Latvia are comparatively small. Second, there are many options that can be used to acquire a residence permit. Third, Latvia is a part of the Schengen area and the European Union.
In order to visit Latvia, an immigrant needs to follow all the requirements set out by Latvian immigration law. There are several possibilities, depending on the purpose of your visit. You may need a work permit, visa or Schengen visa in order to visit Latvia. If you want to reside here – you need to acquire a residence permit. The grounds for issuing one of these documents are laid out in Immigration Law.

Immigration to Poland
In order for immigration to Poland to be lawful, an immigrant needs to follow all the requirements laid out in the immigration laws of the Republic of Poland. There are several possibilities, depending on the purpose of your visit. You will need a visa or Schengen visa in order to visit the country. If you acquire a residence permit via options listed above, you may travel to any Schengen country without an additional visa. If you plan to immigrate to Europe and reside in Poland for a long period of time – you need a residence permit, which can be acquired on the following grounds: establishing a company in Poland, getting an education or getting a job.

Immigration to Spain
In order to visit Spain legally, an immigrant needs to follow all the requirements set out by Spanish Immigration Law. The main law, which regulates the immigration of non EU-citizens in Spain, is the Immigration Act 2009.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What is immigration?

People immigrate for many reasons including to see the world actually, to expand their knowledge and seek new horizons, to better themselves, take note, to better themselves – means you are good to start with but want to make yourself and life better. Some people migrate for business, some for money, some seeking change, some seeking work, but the idea remains the same - to better their future, to secure the future! Disparities in income, standards of living and the availability of jobs within and across societies can be considered as some factors as well.

What is immigration?
Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker.

How can you immigrate?
First of all, you need to choose your destination, where you want to immigrate!
You have to check the immigration law for the country you want to immigrate because usually, to reside in a host country you need to have a passport or other equivalent document and you need to obtain a residence permit - a document that grants you the right to reside in a certain state.
It can be done by our assistance: visit our webpage

Illegal immigration is travelling to or staying in a country without the appropriate documents, entering at an inappropriate place or by an inappropriate method. Usually, illegal immigrants try to enter a wealthier country, with a better quality of life, leaving a poorer country behind. It is not the best desition to choose!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

E-residency offer from Estonia

Everyone heart about residency and residence permit but did You know about e-residency? Estonia is the first country to offer e-Residency, a government-issued digital ID available to anyone in the world.

It gives foreigners the ability to apply for a digital residency in Estonia even if they don't actually live there. How does it work? For example, e-residency allows an Indian entrepreneur to establish an Estonian company from Singapore to serve clients based in Italy. He'd also be able to use his digital signature to sign contracts throughout the EU. All would be done online remotely.

Here (Video ) is a video to find out more about e-residency.

What benefits for businessmen and businesswomen?
  • Possibility to digital sign contracts and other documents
  • Verify the authenticity of documents and encrypt documents securely
  • Allows to start, register and run company online in a trusted EU environment
  • Get access to banking services online includes payments providers to accept payments from customers and clients worldwide
  • Declare taxes online and get all the information regarding taxation and annual report submissions
How to become e-resident?
  • Apply for the e-residency
  • Submit your application and pay €100 state fee
  • Pick up your digital ID card
  • Find Estonian address for the company. Solutions are to contact a business service provider to obtain a legal address and a contact person service.
At the moment, 5033 companies are established by e-residents from 154 countries.
E-residency is a step into the future and easiest way to entrepreneurship. Is it something new for you?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Investment in Real Estate in Latvia and Residence Permit as Bonus

According to The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs’ latest data (on 01/01/2018), 4537 persons have residence permit because of real estate in Latvia. More interested in investment are Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese.

Why to invest in Real Estate in Latvia? Let’s compare amount of necessary investment with other other European countries.

As on chart, you have to invest in real estate in Spain or Portugal quite more that in Latvia.

Have a look at requirements to apply for residence permit based on investment.

According to Immigration Law, if a foreigner has purchased real estate in Riga, Jurmala, Adazi, Babite, Baldone, Carnikava, Garkalne, Ikskile, Kekava, Marupe, Olaine, Ropazi, Salaspils, Saulkrasti or Stopini region, and he owns one functionally related real estate (Real estate can not be vacant land) with a value of at least 250 000 euro or more than two administrative properties, each is one functionally connected real estate with total value at least EUR 250 000 and if the following conditions are present at the same time:

a) he has not and never had property tax payment arrears,

b) the total value of the real estate was paid in cash,

c) the real estate is purchased from a legal entity registered in the Republic of Latvia or Member State of the European Union, country of the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation who is a taxable person in the Republic of Latvia or from a natural person who is  Latvian citizen, non-citizen, citizen of the European Union or a third-country national residing in the Republic of Latvia with a valid residence permit issued by the Republic of Latvia,

d) the cadastral value of estate is not less than EUR 80 000. If the foreigner purchased two real estate outside Riga, Jurmala, Ä€daži, BabÄ«te, Baldone, Carnikava, Garkalne, Ikskiles, Kekava, Marupe, Olaine, Ropazi, Salaspils, Saulkrasti or Stopini region,cadastral value of each real estate is not less than € 40,000. If the cadastral value is less, the market value of the immovable property may not be less than 250,000 euros or, if the third-country national purchased two real estate, the market value of each real estate shall not be less than 125,000 euros,

e) upon requesting a first-time temporary residence permit, he pays five percents of the value of the real estate to the state budget,

f) Real estate does not include agricultural land or forest land:

for up to five years.

To sum up, buying Real Estate is not so expensive as it could look like. Don’t forget that Latvia is known as one of the greenest country of the world.

Monday, April 23, 2018

How do you choose the perfect real estate?

Investing in real estate is not as easy as buying a car. It can be a very long process before you get your dream real estate. You need to see all aspects before buying it. You can’t just buy anything "blindfolded", right?

At first, you need to see the market. You need to check the market, what are the prices, how expensive the real estate in that region is, what to expect and so on. You can research the market by yourself, but it will be time-consuming, so you can also choose a company to do it for you. Many companies and law firms offer consultations and di research on the available real estate. Choose what is more suitable for you.

After that, you should decide what type of real estate you want, what is better to invest your money in and is it worth your money. Maybe you want to buy a forest, maybe you just want flat, or you want to buy an office to start your business there? Choose carefully!

After you done your market research and decided what type of real estate you want - you need to make a list of advantages and disadvantages for that. For example, buying a flat, you should probably want to see if it is not far from a shop, if there is a bus stop somewhere near, see if there is a hospital in the city, and so on. Also, you should see if the real estate value will grow or not, because you don't want to spend a lot of money in real estate if after some time it will cost nothing, right?

When everything is done and you what real estate you want - next step is to talk to the owner. Very often local owners increase the price if approached by a foreigner. That is why a group of local professionals will do the work more effectively. You can do it yourself, but it is more effective if professionals do their work. Searching for and checking property as well as negotiating with owners will be done better by professionals who know the local real estate market and language. You can use our team to do it for you here.

Once everything is done, you can purchase the real estate.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Escrow Account in Latvia

When you are choosing escrow account the question “Trust or not to trust other part of agreement?” is not actual anymore.
Escrow account that sometimes also called impound account is an arrangement made under contractual provisions between transacting parties, whereby an independent trusted third party (usually a bank) receives and disburses money or documents for the transacting parties.
Account is reducing the risk between the parties and providing a mechanism which ensures trust and confidence in the deal until all contracts and agreements have been fulfilled.
The buyer, the seller and third part (usually the bank) sign an agreement, whereby they agree on necessary documents, terms and other conditions as required to complete the deal, along with any critical milestones along the way. An escrow agent – the bank, acts as an impartial holder of the money or documents, and in this way keeps the risk of such things as fraud to a minimum for both parties. Note that escrow fees vary from company to company (bank to bank).
An escrow account can be used for the sale of a house or flat (for Real Estate transaction) and it can reduce the risks to all parties.  It gives guarantee for all parties.Escrow is basically a third party that will hold the homebuyer's money and the home seller's deed or deposits for a property rental or selling/buying object will be in safe and can be transacted to the part of contract when points of this contract will be done only and until all the paperwork is completed.
Other option for escrow account is purchase of a second hand car, where the money may be released at the end of a warranty period.

Escrow is a financial tool that will help to parties and so everyone will be satisfied with the outcome.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Why immigrate to Latvia? II

We hope that you already read the first blog about reasons to immigrate to the Republic of Latvia. This is a second blog to think about this option.

  1. The cost of living in Latvia is relatively low. Although cities like Riga or tourist city Jurmala are more expensive than cities in rural areas. Price, for example, for bread starts from 0,35 EUR, for potatoes from 0,30 EUR. 
  2. Interesting and reach cultural life. As one of the cities on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the city of Riga is proud to offer a rich cultural environment. This year (2018) Latvia is celebrating its 100th year and it is glad to present an enjoyable cultural program. Latvia is known for The Nationwide Latvian Song and Dance Festival that longs 1 week every five years. It involves hundreds of choirs and folk dance groups, entrancing thousands in the audience.
  3. Education. Latvian universities follow the Bologna system, offering three levels of study (bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D.). There are numbers of English-taught programs available and many of which are specifically aimed at foreign students. According to QS University Rankings: EECA – a dedicated ranking of the top universities in Emerging Europe and Central Asia, University of Latvia is on 44th place, Riga Technical University on 55th place. 

For sure, we can give you more reasons and benefits of life in Latvia.

Did you find the most reasonable point for good to live in the Republic of Latvia?

Monday, April 2, 2018

Why immigrate to Latvia? I

Latvia is small country with huge potencial.

At the first part of the blog, we presents some reasons to move to Republic of Latvia:
1.Latvia is one of the European Union and Schengen Area country.
Schengen visa holder to voyage liberally around the 26 Schengen zone member states.
2.Excellent geographical position. Latvia, officially Republic of Latvia is one of the three Baltic States in Northern Europe in the Baltic region. It is bordered to the north by the Baltic state Estonia, to the south by the Baltic state Lithuania, and to the east both by Belarus and the Russian Federation. Across the Baltic Sea to the west lies Sweden. Article about Latvia in Baltic States.Enjoy all 4 seasons of the years. Latvia is located in the temperate climate zone and has four pronounced seasons. Residents and tourists can enjoy warm summer, colourful autumn, mild spring and winter with subzero temperatures.
3.It is easy to travel from Riga. Riga International Airport is the largest airport in the Baltic region, and has flights to and from many major worldwide destinations.
4.You do not need to know Latvian to get  temporary residence permit and for some reasons foreigner shall present a certificate on state language skills evidencing the knowledge of state language at level A2 only to get permanent residence permit.
5.Latvian nature. The sheer volume of wild nature makes Latvia one of the greenest countries in the world. Latgale (one of the region of latvia) is called "the Land of the Blue Lakes". 10% of the Latvian territory is within a protected nature area. This includes 4 state reserves, 3 national parks, 22 nature parks, 211 nature reserves, 6 protected landscape areas, and 1 biosphere reserve.
6.Low population means more spaciousness. The current population of Latvia is 1,934,782. The population density in Latvia is 31 per Km2.

Follow us and get to know more reasons why you should move to Latvia.

Monday, March 26, 2018

A career with Residence Permit in Latvia

A career with Residence Permit in Latvia

A residence permit is not only a card but it also is a document providing a foreigner the rights to reside in the Republic of Latvia for a definite period of time (a temporary residence permit) or permanently (a permanent residence permit).

On 07.03.2018 came in to force Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on specialties (professions), in which a significant shortage of labor force is forecast and where foreigners may be invited to work in Latvia. Consequently, the conditions for the attraction of highly qualified specialists from abroad are relaxed.

Is it relevant to you?

The Ministry of Economics says: "The lack of highly qualified specialists, which is currently observed in a number of companies, especially in the manufacturing and ICT sectors, limits the growth of the Latvian economy, the increase in the productivity of enterprises and the attraction of investments, and thus the creation of well-paid jobs".

The list of professions includes 237 professions/specialties:
  • scientists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, statisticians - 49 professions;
  • Information and communication technology specialists - 51 professions;
  • manufacturing industry specialists - 85 professions;
  • electrical engineering and electrical engineering and construction specialists - 36 professions;
  • Senior Specialists in Financial Analysis and Management - 7 Professions;
  • Specialist in fishing vessel management - 2 professions;
  • aircraft pilots and maintenance specialists - 7 professions.

Do you see yourself on this list?

The Ministry of Economics indicates that the following relief will be included in the occupational list applied to the recruitment of professionals :

  • if the employee wishes to receive an EU Blue Card - the minimum wage should not be lower than the average gross wage in Latvia in the previous year, the coefficient 1.2 (instead of the current coefficient of 1.5);
  • in other cases - foreigners will be able to attract a vacancy which has been registered at the State Employment Agency for at least 10 working days (current requirement - not less than a month).

What a great news! Do you agree?